Airways Magazine April 2024 | Page 22

5 The one and only Douglas DC-1 ever built . The DC-1 was a direct result of specifications presented to Donald Douglas by TWA ’ s Jack Frye . The DC-1 led to the production line model DC-2 , which was eventually improved upon to create the DC-3 . // BOEING CO . PHOTO
6 Interior view of a 14-passenger Douglas DC-2 in service with TWA . Note the steward at the rear of the cabin . // BOEING CO . PHOTO
7 8 The Boeing 307 Stratoliner was the first successful pressurized commercial airliner . It was put into service by both TWA and Pan American in 1940 . Note ‘ The Transcontinental Line ’ titles visible in photo # 8 , taken at Kansas City . // BOEING CO . PHOTOS
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22 AIRWAYS MAGAZINE APRIL 2024 www . airwaysmag . com