Airways Magazine April 2025 | Page 2


Our Commitment to You : Speed and Affordability . Unbeatable Prices Exceptional Customer Service Safety and Security Vast Selection
Where the Airline Employees Shop .
$ 11.99 $ 11-15
$ 3.99
Available in round or rectangle mousepads . Featuring new images & vintage image once used by American Airlines . This ultra Lightweight mouse pad works with rollerball or optical mouse .
Available in both 11 oz . and 20 oz . sizes features the last logo used by Western Airlines . The image is printed on both sides of the mug . The Airline Employee Store ’ s ceramic mugs is a great hot or cold beverage holder for office or home coffee or tea drinking .
Available with round and square shaped coasters , the Airline Employee Store carries a vast variety of coasters featuring many of the American Airlines Family artwork & logos .
Order through our website AIRLINEEMPLOYEESHOP . COM ( 817 ) 751-1630