Airways Magazine February 2025 | Page 42

PICTURE THIS : you are in Europe , headed across the ocean , connecting from a domestic flight . You just landed in Madrid and , after clearing passport controls , you finally reach the airframe that will take you to , let ’ s say , Boston . And you notice that the aircraft that will fly you for the next several hours looks no larger than the one that flew you for around one hour to the Spanish capital . Y o u realize the day has come when long-haul doesn ’ t automatically mean wide-body .
The Airbus A321XLR has arrived . This latest addition to the manufacturer ’ s narrow-body family is the world ’ s longestrange single-aisle commercial aircraft . Designed to be as comfortable as a wide-body , it holds the promise of opening up new routes that bigger , less economical planes could not handle — including those that cross the Atlantic .
Buenos dias from Madrid Barajas Airport ( MAD ) where , on November 13 , Airways was on hand for the introduction of an aircraft that seems poised to reshape civil aviation as we know it . It was the eve of the plane ’ s first transatlantic flight : Madrid to Boston .
The XLR ( extra-long range ) is arguably Airbus ’ most awaited jet . Its extra fuel capacity enables it to fly for up to 11 hours , or 4,700nm — more than enough to cover the distance between New York and Rome . Or London and Delhi . Airbus splashed these city pairs as advertising on the fuselage of F-WXLR , one of the demonstrator planes .
The XLR is an enhanced version of the Neo , the Airbus narrow-body family . And it is
2 Marco Sansavini was assigned as CEO of Iberia in April 2024 after transitioning from the IAG lowcost subsidiary Vueling . // ADRIAN NOWAKOWSKI / AIRWAYS .
3 Despite a ceiling that is significantly lower than those of wide-body jets , the Business Class of the Iberia Airbus A321XLR cabin offers an experience that is close to the A330 and A350 . // ADRIAN NOWAKOWSKI / AIRWAYS
4 The Airbus A321XLR features a completely different emergency exit layout than its predecessor , so new safety instructions have been created . // ADRIAN NOWAKOWSKI / AIRWAYS
going to open some interesting markets .
“ The XLR comes into a market space that today doesn ’ t really exist ,” said Antonio Da Costa , Airbus Vice President of Single-Aisle Marketing , who has followed the XLR ’ s development since its inception , “ and it can be divided into two main pillars .” “ The first pillar is represented by those airlines that exclusively operate the A320 family . For them , the A321XLR offers a tool to expand their network to go further without requiring any major investments other than the aircraft itself , because they already have the Pilots , mechanics , cabin crew , and airport infrastructure .
“ Customers like JetBlue already operate the LR variant and could use the XLR to stretch further into Europe from the US East Coast . Another XLR customer is Wizz Air , which intends to go for longer-range flights within their low-cost model .
“ There is a second major pillar : those carriers that already operate a long-haul network , like our launch customer , Iberia . The XLR allows them to increase both the number of destinations and the frequencies of the airports already in their network . For example , the XLR will enable Iberia to operate its Madrid- Washington , DC , route all year round , while before it was only a seasonal connection .”
The first of Iberia ’ s XLRs , EC- OIL , debuted on November 13 before a crowd of employees and international journalists .
Iberia equipped it with a real wide-body cabin . The airline , the launch customer of the RECARO R3 seat , installed 168 in the main Economy Class cabin . Business Class features 14 suites in a 1-1 configuration , with direct aisle access and lie-flat bed mode . The IFE , connectivity , and passenger experience are as close as they can to those found on
42 AIRWAYS MAGAZINE FEBRUARY 2025 www . airwaysmag . com