EXPERT COLUMN Aviation Academy for High Schoolers difficulties involved in being a woman in a profession dominated by men .
“ It ’ ll definitely be harder to prove my worth and just prove I can be better or the same as men ,” she said . “ But I also think that being female provides a slight advantage because these days people in the aviation industry are trying to be more inclusive .”
After the lecture — or ‘ ground school ’— portion of the class was done , it was time to do what most of us wish we could have done in school — flying . No , not in actual planes , but in a bank of flight simulator stations complete with control yokes , throttles , headsets , and pedals . No corners were cut , and the students went through the whole process involved in a flight , including cold startup and instrument check . And , while flying a touch-andgo or a cross-country mission , all flight regulations and ATC commands were required to be followed — just as they would be in a real flight .
As mentor and teacher , Dubee monitored the flights and guided his students through the proper procedures and maneuvers , making sure that everything was executed properly and the lessons had been learned correctly .
To the side of the room was a two-seat cockpit set up with a 180-degree bank of monitors simulating a commercial aircraft . “ This is where the kids can get a taste of what it ’ s like to fly commercially with a Captain and First Officer ,” Dubee said . “ It ’ s also where we practice crew resource management , helping the students understand the division of duties and the responsibilities of each crew member .
“ These kids all have the dream ,” Dubee said , “ and I ’ m here to help it come true . But , for most of these students , the main problem is going to be money . We all know aviation is an expensive activity , and some of these kids might not find a way through . Not everyone can make it to or afford an Embry- Riddle . So I make sure they know of other higher education options — like the BS in Aviation Science and Management at Middle Georgia State , where they can use state-funded scholarships and grants to help defray the costs .”
After 45 minutes of flying on the simulators , the bell rang and it was time for the students to catch the bus back to their respective high schools , where they would spend the afternoon taking the core classes required for graduation . But then , tomorrow morning , they would be returning to learn and fly some more , taking another step toward realizing their dream of flying .
www . airwaysmag . com AIRWAYS MAGAZINE JUNE 2024 19