AIRPORT REVIEW Denver International Airport designed to give travelers a more intimate smallairport feeling . The vestibules , which are separated by glass walls , can accommodate 30-35 travelers each . At the northwest-most side of Level 6 , there will be a separate entrance for travelers with Clear , TSA preCheck , and DEN reserve , who will go through separate vestibules . TSA will be able to create specialized lanes to segregate those passengers who may take longer to go through security , to avoid them slowing down the main lines . One vestibule , for instance , may be used for family groups , and another for elderly travelers . Unknown to travelers , a vestibule may be designated for travelers who are considered higher risk or on watch lists , and who will be subjected to closer screening .
TSA officers will assign passengers their vestibules at the start of the secure area , and check their IDs once they are in them . Should a traveler try to cheat the system and change vestibules , TSA will know . Furthermore , TSA is developing real-time tracking software with facial and object recognition that can spot any wrongdoing as it occurs through video cameras .
There will be a room for sniffer dogs specially trained to detect explosives and other weapons on travelers as they go through security . If a dog clears a traveler , TSA is much more confident that he or she does not pose a safety risk .
www . airwaysmag . com AIRWAYS MAGAZINE MARCH 2024 29