10 Phase 1 of the Great Hall Project included adding new ticketing areas in the center of Level 6 for Denver ’ s dominant airlines , United Airlines , Southwest Airlines , and Frontier Airlines .
Michael Sheehan , Senior Vice President of Special Projects at Denver Airport , explained that the vestibules will be equipped with the latest technology , such as automated screening and computer tomography ( CT ), which will enable TSA Agents to remotely inspect baggage in detail . Passengers will no longer need to remove any liquids and electronics from their bags , which will simplify the process for both them and the agents and shorten queue times . CT scanning will also enable the checkpoints to be operated by fewer agents , a significant benefit for airports , especially those facing staff shortages .
With centralized image evaluation , the X-ray images taken at the checkpoints will be sent to agents in a remote
30 AIRWAYS MAGAZINE MARCH 2024 www . airwaysmag . com