Airways Magazine March 2024 | Page 51

AIRLINE REVIEW The Sevenair Group
after the airport ’ s 2019 closure , which had been due to major runway repairs to fix the cracks caused by an underwater stream that flowed underneath the runway . Peering into the open cockpit , I could see Vila Real set up on the Garmin GPS , the ETA coming in less than 20 minutes .
We flew the last two legs to Vila Real and , finally , Braganca at low level , through valleys where some ridges were at eye level or above . The cruise got a bit turbulent , there being high terrain on either side . The upside was provided by the views of endless cultivated land for farms and wineries , in contrast to the dry landscape seen in the south of the country . Arriving at Braganca , there was no other aircraft or activity , only tranquil countryside surrounding the airfield .
Despite the challenges of maintaining a tight flight schedule with multiple stops , crew changes , and sometimes difficult conditions , Sevenair pulls off this route twice per day in both directions with seeming effortlessness . The four take-offs and landings , along with the other unusual aspects , make this route stick out . It clearly fits the bill of being a quick on / off service for Portuguese residents . And it provides a treat for those aviation enthusiasts who want to sample a different way of flying in Europe .
Despite operating Dornier and Jetstream aircraft consistently for most of its history , Sevenair is looking toward a greener future . It has
committed to acquire up to six hybrid-electric , 30-passenger ES-30 airliners , currently being developed by Heart Aerospace of Sweden .
“ We believe the ES-30 will be a game changer for short-distance regional flights , offering low noise and no emissions ,” said Alexandre Alves , Sevenair ’ s Chief Commercial Officer . “ As Portugal is a small country and we are operators of very short flights , our operation and our country are perfect for this type of aircraft and , therefore , we are trying to be the launch company for this aircraft .
“ We hope that , according to expectations , in 2027 or 2028 , the aircraft will be certified , and by 2030 we will be the first airline in the world to fly 100 % electric .”
7 Crusing along at 205kt at 10,000ft enroute to Viseu from Cascais . The Garmin GPS shows 33 nautical miles to go until the next waypoint over Fatima in central Portugal .
www . airwaysmag . com AIRWAYS MAGAZINE MARCH 2024 51