Airways Magazine March 2024 | Page 66

17 18 20 In-flight service was always a selling point , as seen in these images from International Air Bahama , Scandinavian Airlines System ( SAS ), and Transports Aeriens Intercontinentaux ( TAI ) timetables .
19 21 By the 1990s , printed timetables were approaching extinction as more people connected to the internet for information . Mergers and alliances multiplied the number of destinations one carrier could transport you to . This led to extremes in the publication of paper timetables as exemplified by Northwest ’ s Flight Schedule ( 32 pages ), which listed only non-stop and direct flights using destination airport codes instead of city names , and United ’ s Worldwide Timetable ( 792 pages ), which listed not only non-stop and direct flights but also an astounding number of possible connection combinations between many city pairs .
66 AIRWAYS MAGAZINE MARCH 2024 www . airwaysmag . com