23 24
21 In addition to public timetables , many airlines issued special ones for use by employees . This Ozark Employees ’ Timetable from February 1964 presented all of the company ’ s schedules in columnar format on a single sheet : westbound and southbound on one side ; eastbound and northbound on the reverse .
22 23 24 More timetable covers featuring Flight Attendants : four issues from British United Airways ( BUA ), an Air Canada timetable from 1978 , and a Pan Am timetable illustrating new uniforms issued after the merger with National Airlines .
25 26 While most timetables were intended to be folded lengthwise , some airlines took advantage of the entire unfolded cover space to present a single image , as seen in these examples from Eastern European carriers JAT ( Jugoslovenski Aerotransport ) and Balkan Bulgarian Airlines .
25 26 have and I know that it would be an enhancement to my collection , I ’ ll buy it .
Do you have any advice for those of our readers who may have significant collections of airline memorabilia , be it timetables , annual reports , safety cards , photos , or whatever ? That ’ s a question that I ’ m very happy to answer . I would urge anyone who has a significant collection of historical items to make plans for its eventual dispersal , either through wishes stated in your will or through arrangements with an established institution that would be interested in acquiring your material .
No one likes to think about passing away , but you don ’ t want to leave your valuable collection behind for your spouse or others who might have no clue how to handle it . I have seen that happen too many times .
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