Airways Magazine November 2024 | Page 46

look so fit and healthy ). There are bike lanes on all the main streets , and motor vehicles must yield to those pedaling . Copenhagen is on the coastal plain , so it ’ s a flat and easy place to ride . This was mind-blowing to an American from a city where riding a bike around the hilly traffic-infested downtown is tantamount to attempting suicide .
The automated train system that takes travelers around the city is fast , efficient , inexpensive , clean , and safe . The stations are well-marked , and transferring between lines is easy .
This was in sharp contrast to the regional train system , which appeared to be more like Atlanta ’ s MARTA system . I rode it for only a few stops , but it seemed old and bumpy , and passed through rougher graffiticovered buildings and bridges . But , short of private limousine , I can ’ t think of a better way than riding the Metro to make the trip into the city from CPH .
During my day in Copenhagen , I saw only four police cars . I typically see at least that many an hour in cities like Atlanta or New York . And only one of those police cars in Copenhagen was racing down the street with its siren wailing like you see in the movies .
Where there is little crime , little enforcement is needed . I saw two officers assisting a man in some kind of distress in a city square . Looking at them , I noted the stark contrast between them and American police . The two officers seemed to be ordinary-sized — like those you might see in an old TV program like Adam-12 . They were not the jacked up , paramilitary , vest-wearing officers seen today in most American cities .
Three gigantic cruise ships were moored in the harbor , so the city was filled with tourists shopping and eating at the highend touristy areas of town , like Nyhavn . Hotel rooms are offered at typical big-city prices , and luxury shops are plentiful . But the city is equally friendly for those on a budget . The hop on , hop off bus lines cost DKK229 ( about US $ 34 ) a day and take you nearly anywhere you would want to visit . The Metro is inexpensive and can take you well beyond the city center . For those willing to walk ( or bike !), it can be even less expensive . A bed in one of the many hostels ( which are clean and safe ) can cost as little as DKK225 ( about US $ 33 ) per night , with bed , pillow , duvet , and shower included . And , at the many grocery stores found around the city , you can buy muffins , pastries and juice for breakfast and pick up sandwiches and drinks for lunch and dinner , saving the expense of visiting a restaurant .
So , whether you ’ re traveling with money to spend or backpacking on a tight budget , the city will welcome you with open arms .
My 24 hours in Copenhagen went by in a flash , and I would love to return and see more of what the city has to offer . But , in my brief time there , I experienced a happy , friendly , safe international city that serves as more than a welcoming gateway to all of Scandinavia .
46 AIRWAYS MAGAZINE NOVEMBER 2024 www . airwaysmag . com